Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday the 14th

Hey-O all of you non existent or just very boring readers! ( COMMENT DAMN YOU!)

So anyhow, what have i been up to lately, except being stressed about school and contemplating why i don't have a girlfriend yet. Well not very much. Well since the whole love life deal is what has been zipping through my head the most lately i guess I'll start off with that. The problem I'm having, well I seriously don't get the whole "social game" or "mating ritual" that goes down around here. Neither have i understood what the hell the whole girlfriend thing means here because it sure as hell doesn't mean the same thing as it does in Sweden or the US. From what I have understood its more like some retarded fuck-buddy relationship (i know, that comment will probably haunt me, but fuck that!). Anyway, love is fucking retarded. It would be nice to try it, but i doubt thats going to happen in this country, since I'm an outcast according to their standards.

Uhg, i guess I'll just keep on dreaming about having a starship of my own, it kinda pushes everything aside... It would be frikkin awesome, and i would be an epic captain. Also my call-sign would be "Carlos Spicy Wiener" just for the shock and awe. I would be buzzing around the verse in my starship (named Scarmenii). I would boldly go were no-one has gone before!

Well i guess that brings me to part three. It's been quite a while since i posted and talked about friends, but lately I've started befriending three girls in my class (two of them where the one's who pelted paper balls at me while i was posting...). Anyhow I'm going to see Tron Legacy with at least one of the three. But now something that bugs the hell out of me, in my world a "friend" is someone you talk to, play with and trust. BUT here a friend is anyone you talk to more than once, it surprised me one day when one of the girls in my class said something in the style with "wont you help a friend?" and she was seriously insinuating that we where friends even though she barely talks to me......... I was like "wtf" we're friends? Really? Well to say the least the social theater of this country still hasn't ceased to amaze me.

I have facebook, but i have a total of 89 friends, i don't understand people who have like 698 friends HOW the hell can 698 people be your friends! You probably don't even know half of them! My head classifies people who have that many friends as "facebook whores". Because they are.

Music, its late right now so I'll post the music part tomorrow from school, but i can assure it, its 80'ies time!

/Kazat, signing out.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas, Cafés and all that other stuff

So christmas is creeping closer and i am as always in a christmassy mood. Soon I'm gonna get what i would call so well deserved R&R. First on the 15th my parents are going to Sweden for my cousins dads funeral (I met him once when i was 4, so I'm not going), then the 17th they're going to Rome because one of our friends is taking her Doctor Degree. Once again, I'm not going. So I'm going to spend the weekend gaming and lacking, and getting that "R&R" that i mentioned earlier.

Okay seriously I've been busting to get this out of my system, but as you may know i mentioned one of my possible future lines of work in an earlier post. Lately (especially now since we have chosen our main "course" for our three years in Gymnasium recently) I have been thinking of possible lines of work and my brain has zoomed in on one specific thing. I want to start a corner Café, you know like a neighborhood café (optimally in a big city, New York, Boston, or something in that style, not too warm and not too cold). Anyhow to be completely honest it all came to me while i was asleep, i dreamt i owned this café at a corner in one of those pleasant neighborhoods in New York and i was pretty much the only employee. When i woke up i had a hard time deciding if that was the dream or if this was, all i can say is, i forgot to brush my teeth and shower that morning.

So on to something else, I've picked up photoshoping again. I'm far from a pro, but its pretty fun to make stuff. So here are a few examples of what I have made over the last couple of days:
A small signature that i use on a few of the MSG boards i post on. (yes I am super exited about the Tron Legacy movie that coming out the 16th or 17th)
This is a small graphic i made with the name of one of my friends in it (and since she's twilight fan i tried to adjust the style to sort of mimick twilight)

And finally, my current wallpaper, not that hard to make though. But still, it's kind of cool looking...

Well that all for now, and since i might not post again until after christmas, Merry Christmas, all of you quiet observers........

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday 29th

Well its Thursday, and I'm in school. Actually I'm supposed to be writing an analysis of a text called "Indian Camp" by Ernest Hemingway. Only problem is that is it SOOOO boring so I'm not really concentrating.

Anyhow, at the moment there are two of my classmates sitting behind me and they are probably only after bugging me, but the keep asking annoying questions and so on, and instead of asking the teacher about what we're supposed to do but when i tell them they just ignore me, its kind of disturbing but I'm just going to ignore them by listening to loud music, though i do kind of expect to get a paper ball flung at the back of my head at any moment.

On to more relevant issues; Here are my current favorite songs, I have still not figured out a good way to put out my favorites playlist but I'm working on it! (You must have seen "Life Aquatic" to understand number 5)

1. Tove Styrke - Bad Time For A Good Time
2. Justice - D.A.N.C.E.
3. Eliza Doolittle - Pack up
4. Boomkat - What U do 2 me
5. Mark Mothersbaugh - Ping Island / Lightning Strike Rescue Op
6. The Source - You Got the Love (Extended New Voyager Mix)
7. Mason Storm - Oh No, Where Do We Go? Halo 3 Rap
8. Mikael Karlsson - The Storm (Main Theme)

So now that you've gotten that out of me i might as well shit out the rest!

So there's going to be a parent teacher consultation next week and i am stressed out! I already know my grades weren't exactly good, I can go so far as to say that they weren't good at all, but I'm planning on changing that. I have also talked to my dad and we have discussed my grades a lot.
I don't think there's any real reason to be worried.

Now on to things that have mattered to me today;

If you have been reading my previous post you will know that I am what would be called a "Space Nut". I love space and everything that has to do with it.
Is it possible to travel to other planets?

If there was a way to get to another planet, even if it was a one way mission, I would sign up. I would give pretty much anything to be sent to another planet in another solar system.

Since i am running out of time and stuff to write about so here is my last part of the day. This is how i react in my head to most girls in my class;
Also, this is todays wise words of Picard.

Also I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I've just been so empty of ideas to write about, I'll try to write more but you know commenting might make me update more too....

/KaZat over and out.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Weeelll its Sunday evening and I'm not that excited about school tomorrow, plus i have a math assignment thats due on Tuesday (uhg). I really feel lost in math,  at least i do this year. Last year i had it on "A" level which is the hardest you can get here in Denmark, but now i have it on "B" level instead. Strangely though i understood more of what happened last year, I think it all depends on the teacher and my current teacher isn't very good at explaining math in a way so that i understand it, he's also moving forward WAAAY to fast. Last year i had my current chemistry teacher as my math teacher, she didn't go too fast. But hey it could just be that the cram more stuff into the B level stuff or it could be that my brain has degenerated over the summer, anyhow i busted a nut and bought Algebra II and Calculus II for dummies when i visited the US. In those books they really break math down into "understandable" parts, or in a more advanced term, the quantify it so that even I can understand it.

Anyhow I don't plan on becoming the next Stephen Hawking, I'm going for something thats actually fun, like "FBI agent", well something thats fun and that requires me to travel a lot. I guess interpreter would fit quite well, I wouldn't exactly be the first in the family to take on the ways of the politician. I have quite an interest in law, mostly because i like being a douche bag and uphold the dumb laws, but seriously, i could see myself working with it in the future.

So now onto what i have been up to. This weekend i have been playing "Star trek Legacy", I have gone to spinning, I have over clocked my old computer and modified its battery, and i have checked out indoor climbing clubs here in Odense because I'm planning on going to it again.

On to more serious things; This morning i heard a report on the radio about the Danish Peoples Party wanting to make it harder for exchange/PhD and students in general to get into Denmark and study, but then I must ask, shouldn't all danes leaving Denmark to study have to go through the same test? Seriously, the way the danish government is heading, I suspect that Denmark might actually get kicked out of the European Union, they've already been excluded from all and any important decisions (which i can understand). Though if that happens I'm moving. The day Denmark gets kicked out of EU is the day I'm climbing back over the bacon wall (the bacon wall is a reference to the berlin wall, its the border to Sweden and many danes, at least so it seems, want to close the border to Sweden). Well I'm not staying in this country for too long anyway and I strongly doubt that i will ever move back once I've left. Just to clarify, I'm not miserable (even though it may seem so) I just don't like this country, my first impressions of this country got quite messed up too (and they are important). To be frank, there are nice danes but as far as i know Denmark as a whole is a backward thinking small country with napoleon complex.

I have lived in Denmark for 1.5 years now, currently there are three people here that i count as friends (I talk to them regularly, I trust them, and they talk to me and probably trust me). One of them is just like me, he moved here two years ago, another one is born here but he has muslim upbringing, and the last one is what could be referred to as a real dane (though i don't think her boyfriend likes me).
Son now i add it up, three minus two, oh my, that equals one! So i have acquired one danish friend over the span on 1.5 years. I know, you may think that I'm incapable of sustaining social relations with other people, but I do not believe that is the case. I have tried on numerous occasions tried to "get chummy with the locals" but in every case they have either let me down, as four of my classmates did earlier last week, or they have just ignored me afterwards and gone on with their lives like if i never existed. Last year that did have quite an effect on me, i got pretty depressed (and when I'm ready I will release parts of my diary from back then). But luckily i have friends now.

So anyhow now on to less grim stuff (and stuff that could inspire a certain english teacher who I'm fairly sure has checked this blog out). Here is one of my english assignments from last year, we where supposed to write an interview with anyone we could imagine, it was my first chance at playing video games for a purpose, i interviewed my avatar from the game i was playing. Anyway, here is my "masterpiece" xD (Its not that long, just about 700 words, but it was fun writing)

By the one known as Nils
We are sitting here in the subway of Washington DC with Katherine a 94 year old wasteland survivor who has seen the what was left of DC after a devastating nuclear war between the two nations once known as China and the United states of America before things got civilized. Today she has promised to tell us the story of how she managed to get the bigots of Tenpenny Tower to let ghouls live in their small post-war settlement. Just to make it clear, ghouls were humans who had been exposed to a ghastly amount of radiation and survived, but that lead to them looking like zombies, rotting skin and so on.

It was in the year 2203, I had just finished helping my good friend Moria Brown write her “Wasteland Survival Guide” and I was out in the capital wastes wandering aimlessly with my dog; Dogmeat. We must have been lucky that day because we only met two, maybe three raider patrols, luckily I was quite handy with a sniper. But after a few hours walk and a few pauses to see if I could find any useful gear I spotted a pretty damn big tower on the horizon, and you must know that a tower of that size couldn’t possibly have survived so long without maintenance. So out of my own curiosity I waltzed over there, though when I got there the crabby guards didn’t want to let me in, but they changed their minds once I made ‘em a deal, more like a bribe... Anyhow I bribed my way through the gate and asked around to se who was the leader of the small society of upper class twits. Well I found him eventually and I spoke a bit about establishing a trade between his society and the town I was currently living in; Megaton. He said that it sounded fair, but he would only accept it on one condition; I was to take care of a group of ghouls who had been pestering him for a few months. My first thought on the matter was “heck no, I’m not going to do your dirty work” but since I had to put Megaton’s interests ahead of my own I accepted. I stayed the night at the tower and in the morning I headed out to find the old subway station that the ghouls were living in, which didn’t take to long. Once I entered the underground I almost immediately met one of their guards who was extremely skeptical to me meeting with their leader, but after a short conversation I managed to convince him that I was no threat. So I got to meet their leader who was a….well…interesting person. His name was Roy Philips and he was the meanest ghoul I think I ever met. But somehow I managed to strike a deal with him; I get him and his ghouls a residence at Tenpenny Tower and they don’t go in there, guns blazing and kill everyone. So I returned to Tenpenny tower and talked to Mr. Tenpenny, luckily I was quite good at bartering in the day and I managed to strike a deal with him; if I can convince more than 80% of the residents to let the ghouls in, he would let them in. I have to say it wasn’t very hard there were only three people who had something against having ghouls as neighbors. That was it basically, I showed Mr. Tenpenny the results and then I went down into the subway and told the ghouls that I had successfully gotten them a residence in Tenpenny Tower.
Though I remember that I came back there a week later to find that Roy Philips had murdered Mr. Tenpenny and was plotting to kill every non-ghoul in the tower. So for the safety of all the residents I killed Roy.After that I never came back to the tower so I cannot possibly say what happened after I left.

It just struck me, heres a short guide to see if I'm interested in getting to know you;
When I am interested in a new person I start off by approaching them and talking to them, through group activities and such, then when i feel a bit more secure i will eventually be a bit (or very) sarcastic and tease you to try and get an emotional response (teasing back is ideal, i like people who have humor and know their way around sarcasm), the third step is that i try to get you out to some sociable even, like a movie, a cup of coffee, or a movie evening with some other of my friends, and after that I usually just let go of the breaks and count you as a friend. Though with new people who i deem interesting enough to be worth my time things usually happen quite fast. Though if you during the course of the whole befriending ritual cross me three times (ex, i ask you out for coffee and you say ill check my calendar and then never reply, or do something like what happened with those four girls last week). If you do anything like that more than three times I will first of all get pretty mad and secondly, I will stop trying to become your friend.

So now, anyone who wants to become my friend, there's the manual, good luck.

So thats all for today folks, and i know that there are at least six of you watching, i wouldn't mind some sort of comment or sign form you that your there (Omar that includes you)

/KaZat out

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Supper special double post Thursday!

Noooooo waaaaaay man! two post in why day! what' up with that dawg!?

Well I'll tell you what's up with that, i just thought of a great online flash game that I play on a weekly basis. It is quite gory, and in more than a few ways disturbing, but none the less, FUN!
The game is called "Happy Wheels" in it you (your character) has one mission, get to the goal even if it means a gruesome, gory, and limb ripping death. So I'm guessing your all quite bored of me typing away about the details so here is the link to the "totaljerkface" website, the game will open if you click the big banner on the front page that says "Happy Wheels" (duh' numbnuts).

Happy Wheels

This game may be inappropriate for young children since it does contain graphic dismemberment and blood spraying in all directions.

And that was all i had to say for this SSDPT

/KaZat out


Well last night me and my mom watched the first episode of "Firefly" and it is a frikking amazing series! Its a bit like a mix of "Star Trek" "Star Wars" and "Dead Wood". I was introduced to the series by one of my American relatives; Dane, he is like me a total sci-fi nut, though he has all the Star Trek episodes from every series, all the Battlestar Galactica episodes and a lot more. Anyhow he showed me a movie called "Serenity" which i watched with one of my distant cousins; Ulysses (he may only be 12, but I'm better with kids than I am with my own age group). We had a lot of fun and i ordered the series as soon as i got home from the US.

One of the things i asked my parents the most during our stay in the US was "Why the hell did we move!". I really wanna go back there, people are so polite and friendly, and the extreme binge drinking that is a social norm here in Denmark is seen as "uncool" and "stupid" in the US (though as everywhere else, teens are drinking more and more, even if its illegal).

Of the three countries I've lived in I personally like Denmark the least. I have to say, my "liking" for Denmark sank radically after this weekend (you can read about what happened in one of my earlier posts).

And now for something completely different.

I have contracted a badass cold, i feel really stuffy and weak, and I think I'm still a bit jet lagged because I have trouble staying awake during the boring lessons.

And now for something completely different. *again*

I noticed that my ass is quite nice and firm yesterday, i usually don't notice it since it on my backside (duh'), but during PE we did some running exercise and my arms were on my butt for some reason and it felt nice and firm, like cheesecake firm. Also i literally have a pain in the ass, i think I sat down too hard or something, anyhow, it hurts.

And now for something completely different. *again 2*

So currently my favorite songs are (in the following order);

I'm not going to post all of them since that would be about 63 songs to find, and that would be a serious pain in the ass!

Quote of the day:

"There's coffee in that nebula!" -- Janeway



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Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So I'm currently sitting in school, math is over and I'm glad about that, its boring. Anyhow I've come to the conclusion that the wireless adapter that i bought on amazon is defect because it no longer detects any networks. So I'm returning it and planning on either demanding a replacement or getting a refund to buy another type of adapter, maybe...

So on to things that have been important to me lately, to start off, music. I have really REALLY fallen for two songs by the same artist; Vanessa Carlton. Anyhow here are the songs;

Okay since embeding doesn't seem to work;
A Thousand Miles

And the other one;
Nolita Fairytale

So anyhow those are the two songs that i have listened to the most this month, and when i find a practical way i will project my "Favorites" of october playlist onto a new post.

So on to the next thing, I'm really hyped for a TV series i ordered that should arrive today or tomorrow, its called Firefly and is the prequel to the sci-fi movie called "Serenity"

Serenity Trailer (now with 1080HD)

Btw, I joined in on a obviously quite big translation competition, if I win on a national level I'll be sent to Brussels (which is pretty much the capitol of Europe). There i guess ill be competing against other champions, which if i win, i would enjoy ALOT! Plus i think it could open up future job opportunities. Btw even though I'm pretty good at languages i still wish i had a universal translator built into my star trek com badge (yes i have one, and i know how nerdy that makes me, but I couldn't care less what others think of me right now).

Okay i have to got now, duty calls and the ship needs its Captain!

/Kazat, over and out!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Well, hello again, currently I'm watching Fringe so I'm gonna keep this short, yesterday i got my Xbox 360 wireless adapter and well i managed to keep a connection for more than 20 minutes so i created an XBL account, only problem is that my adapter seems to be the only thing in the house having trouble keeping a stable connection with my wireless network. I've tried contacting microsoft but they just told me "it was normal that the connection was a bit choppy" but why the hell do the then sell thjings that obviously dont work like they should! -.-

Anyhow since i was gonna keep it short here are a few links to things I have found interesting and important this week;

A nice little online flash game experiment, its a test of social entities and the teamwork of many people, its really fun.

A web page with all star trek episodes one could ever want to see!

And finally, my favorite forum on the webs, we used to be a halo modding team but it broke down and now we're a chat forum with five or six members, its worth checking in on a regular basis, there are loads of lols.

In the future i will be posting a favorites playlist at the end of each month, no songs though, just a list of songs and the artists who made them.

/KaZatnip out

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hello, my name is KaZatnip, well technically its not, my real name is Nils, KaZatnip is just an avatar name i put together by mixing the word Katnip with Za (I dunno where I got the idea from). Anyhow, I'm a person and i like a lot of things. But ill write about that later.

Well I'm just going to start from the top then;

This has been a real bitch of a week, i came back from the US on tuesday (though the trip to the US was extraordinary!). When i came back I talked to the group i was assigned to, we where supposed to write a math report, due the upcoming thursday, anyhow my group mates tell that they hadn't done anything. So i got really stressed out and spent a lot of time after school working on it (our math teacher thought that 3 pages of advanced Algebra would take us 4 hours, plus a few hours during the lessons... Luckly he gave everyone one day extra, but on the original due date he instead put in a math pop-quiz, the thing is that the very same day we had a BIIIG grammar exam so people where pretty stressed, so was I. But now back to the math, on friday, the day it was due at 20.55 one of my group-mates sends me and email saying "Nils you have to help I'm sooo drunk and i haven't done any of the things i promised i would do, could you do them for me!!??" i bluntly said no, and frankly i was pissed off, but not surprised, especially since i know about the drinking habits most of the danish youth.

Somehow she managed to do all of what she had promised to do and sent it to me at 22.45 in the evening and i edited it all together and checked for minor mistakes (and added a few things that had been missed). I sent it in at 23.40, 20 minutes before it was due. Though I'm still puzzled over that this drunk idiot had the nerve to be mad at ME after i sen a reply to her telling her to get her fucking priorities strait.

Anyhow, today has almost been worse because i was planning on having a pleasant evening with a few classmates, two hours before all of them except two call and pull lame excuses for not coming. I pretty certain that they went to some party and got waisted instead (getting waisted, as i have heard from my classmates, is the only way to have fun). So i have decided that i will no longer even attempt to befriend them, instead i will treat as the crew of the starship Voyager treats the EHM in the start of season one.

Well the movie evening was nice, we sat there playing halo Reach, watched a movie and a few episodes of star trek.

Thank you if you actually read all that, I'm just gonna make this into an outlet for all those feelings i have and to tell to anyone. Btw I'm all for comments, if there's anyone reading this.